
About matrrixx

Matrrixx Ventures Inc. was established in 2002 in the sports capital of India, Meerut with the aim of producing handmade cricket bats of the highest quality. Its founder and owner, Ajit Menon learnt the art of bat making from a master craftsman in England and studied the bats produced by various leading bat makers extensively, then set Matrrixx up as an independent bat manufacturing company, capable of producing exceptional, handmade bats and high specification protective equipment.

The way in which the company entered an already saturated market was to base everything on quality, through handmaking the bats in house to exacting standards and maintaining total control of the product. With limited resources for sponsorship and marketing, the name grew through word of mouth and the refusal to mass produce.

For the past 20 years we have been committed to making our bats in house from cleft to finish. All of our bats are 100% independently Matrrixx made, by hand, to the highest levels in the industry. There is no more labour intensive bat, they are not outsourced and are totally CNC free. Our bats are machined, pressed, shaped and finished in our workshops and again represent a unique and incredibly labour intensive product. Every single bat still passes through the same craftsmen's hands many times over to amplify quality and performance.

The theory behind the bat making is simple: we handpick the best clefts available, source the highest grade of Manau cane for the handles, attention to detail and treatment of each bat individually at every stage of manufacture. In combination with considerable experience right through the bat making processes, from selecting the right cleft onwards right upto the final finish of the bat.

Good batmaking is a kind of alchemy: turning basic, natural raw materials into something very special; achieving this quality consistently, and independently, is what sets Matrrixx apart.

Matrrixx bats and equipment are now firmly established at the top the customised cricket gear market which is a niche segment but where the most professional, the most demanding and most discerning customer is.